“Let’s be friends!”
On March 27, the Vitebsk branch of the International University “MITSO” hosted the Olympiad in the Russian Language for International Students under the slogan “LET’S BE FRIENDS”. The objectives of the Olympiad were to define the level of language proficiency, to increase interest in learning the Russian language and cultural and historical traditions of the Republic of Belarus, to stimulate the creative activity of foreign students, and analyze the level of adaptation to the learning environment in Belarusian Universities.
The second – year students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Sophia Ignatiu (Greece), Ali Mukaled (Lebanon), the student of the pre-University Education Faculty Ibrahim Karim (Lebanon) took part in the contest (Janna P. Kurdeko was the scientific supervisor of the team). It was a great opportunity for contestants not only to demonstrate their language skills and knowledge of culture, but it also was a good chance to meet new friends from other countries. Our students did their best and returned with diplomas and awards, but the best award was friendship, of course.
G. E. Chernetskaya,
Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages.