In November 2019, within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the “Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine” and the “Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University” there was held an online delivering of lectures on the subject “Breeding of Farm Animals” for students studying in the specialty “Animal Husbandry”.
On November 12, the lecture on the topic “The Linear Assessment of the Conformation and Conditions of Dairy Cattle in the Republic of Belarus” was delivered by T. V. Pavlova, the acting head of the Department for Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals named after O. A. Ivanova of the Faculty of Biotechnology, candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. The lecture was felivered for 60 students of the Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine of KrasSAU.
On November 14, an online lecture “Selection of Farm Animals” was held by N. M. Babkova, the Associate Professor of the Department for Breeding, Genetics, Biology and Aquatic Bioresources of the Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine of KrasSAU, candidate of agricultural Sciences. The lecture was attended by 36 students-zooengineers of the 2nd year ,and 5 teachers of the Department for Genetics and Breeding of Farm animals of VSAVM.
The lectures were very interesting, rich examples and illustrations, contained information about the features of breeding dairy cattle in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, which allowed to exchange experiences.
Cooperation between the universities in this form is planned to continue. Colleagues from the KrasSAU are asking our teachers to prepare a lecture on the transplantation of embryos.
Department of Genetics and Breeding of Farm animals,
the Dean’s office of the BTF