A scientific and methodological seminar was held in the mode of videoconferencings
On December 27, 2019, the Higher attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter-HAC) held a wide-ranging discussion of the possibilities and prospects of online broadcasts of public defenses of dissertations at the site of the State Committee for Science and Technology with simultaneous remote connection of interested institutions of postgraduate education.
The scientific and methodological seminar was attended by the Rector Mikalai Haurychenka, the Chairman of the Council for the Defense of Dissertations D 05.33.01 Anton Yatusevich, Deputy Chairman Vladimir Maksimovich, Vice-rector for Scientific Work Alexander Belko, member of the Council Babina Maria Pavlovna.
Olga V. Dubanevich, Chief Scientific Secretary of the HAC, addressed the participants of the seminar with a welcome speech. In the report prepared by the HAC, significant shortcomings and problematic points of dissertations were announced, which served as the basis for their rejection at different stages of examination in the HAC. According to the HAC, the open format of dissertation defense will become, among other things, an effective means of screening out low-quality qualifying scientific works.
Natalia Mitkovskaya shared her experience of organizing and conducting a dissertation defense in the online broadcast mode at the Council for the Defense of Dissertations D 03.18.09 at the Belarusian state medical University. Listing success factors and conditions of the online discussion of the thesis, Natalia Pavlovna focused on internal resources and human potential, namely the cohesion of the scientific-pedagogical schools, active participation of leadership of institutions of postgraduate education, the willingness of the members of the Council for defending theses for innovation, personal qualities of the applicant and the high professionalism of the specialists, engaged in logistical support.
The participants of the seminar received answers to all questions about the procedure for organizing the online broadcast of the thesis defense, and also made suggestions aimed at promoting the idea of openness of the public defense of the thesis.
Chairman of the HAC Alexander Guchok, summing up the results of the seminar, noted the extreme relevance of the issue discussed today and the readiness of the HAC to provide methodological assistance to institutions of postgraduate education in the development of the initiative to conduct dissertation defenses online.
Based on the website of the Higher attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus.