The city interuniversity festival-holiday NAVRUZ has become a tradition within the walls of our academy. On March 21, 2024 our Alma mater was a place of friendship of nations, understanding, respect and joy. According to the sacred text from the book «Avesta», on this day all people on Earth should celebrate the rebirth of life, which takes place in six manifestations: renewal of the earth, sky, water, plants, animals and man himself.
NAVRUZ-2024 has gathered representatives from 12 countries of the world – students and students of institutions of higher education of the city of Vitebsk (VSU named after P.M. Masherov). The first part of the festival was focused on sports activities at the Department of Physical Education and Sports: darts, table tennis – students from Uzbekistan, Lebanon, Turkmenistan and Tunis in a stubborn and fascinating struggle determined the winners.
The exhibition of creativity and cooking, dedicated to the Spring Festival, became the second part of the festival and took place within the walls of the House of Culture of the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. Exclusive dishes, national costumes, dances of the peoples of the world and a sea of delicious experiences – it was worth seeing and trying!
The international festival culminated in the performance of vocal and dance groups from Sri Lanka, China, Congo and Russia. Thanks of the rector of the Academy Gavrichenko N.I. from the hands of the vice-rector for educational work Fedotov D.N. received representatives of international senators of the Academy, institutions of higher education of Vitebsk and employees, contributed to the development of the educational process among foreign students.
Bright and incendiary concert program gave everyone unforgettable impressions, charge of positive emotions and atmosphere of the house!