Education grows international all over the planet. And the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine is part of the process. From the first days of welcoming international students the administration, faculty deans, teaching staff launch a comprehensive program of adaptation and social support of international students.
There is a good tradition at the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine to gether the new coming international students for a special party “Merry Christmas”. Belarusian students invite their international colleagues to participate in the intellectual-cultural project that introduces its participants to cultural studies by means of songs, dances, quizes, jokes and the New Year fairy tales. Someone has the opportunity to step on the stage for the first time, someone appears to be an experienced performer. Everyone has the opportunity to reveal talents, to learn new things, learn to communicate and help. Rehearsals, preparatory activities for the event unite young people, make them feel psychologically much more comfortable, and what is more important, make new friends.
When the sounds of the violin Jingle Bells come – the festive event begins. The magic Christmas tree glitters with lights. Warmly and joyfully all the participants greet the Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Songs, dances, fun quizzes last the whole evening through. Year after year the festival has turned into a multicultural and multilingual event. This time to welcome the audience on the part of the administration came the Pro-rector on educational work of the Academy Vladimir Zhurba.
We are glad to receive guests – foreign students from the State University. Chinese students introduced the spectators to the traditional Chinese guzheng instrument, a large zither. Singers from Sri Lanka are warmly greeted, and Salah Ahmad, our student from Lebanon, secretely tells everyone how much he awaits the snow. Chinese, Indian, Kazakh, Turkmen melodies and songs are highly appraised and, of course, our Belarusian songs. Over 60 students participated in the event this year. The question “How do you like the festival? ” was unanimously answered: “It’s Great!”
Joint projects of cultural and leisure activities of Belarusian and foreign students contribute to improving the quality of education, adapting new students to new academic and social environment, develop friendship and mutual understanding.
Alla Kartunova, the Department of Foreign Languages