On March 28-30, 2019 the ” Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine” held the X International Festival-competition of Young Performers of Pop song “Two sisters – Belarus and Russia”, dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia.
The hosts of the Festival were: the “Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine” and ODO “Travel company “ILVA”. The objectives of the festival-competition: disclosure and support of young talents, identification of promising performers, aesthetic, Patriotic and spiritual education of children and young people through the art of music. As well as the establishment and development of good-neighborly relations between the youth of the participating countries of the festival, cultural exchange between the peoples of Belarus and Russia.
The festival was attended by 215 performers aged 7-33 years from Minsk, Brest, Mogilev, Gomel, Vitebsk and Smolensk regions, including the cities of Mogilev, Vitebsk, Polotsk, Novopolotsk, Rechitsa, Kirovsk, Orsha, Tolochin, Novolukoml, Rudnya (Russian Federation), etc. The strongest vocal ensemble was recognized the vocal and choreographic ensemble “Perapelachka”, “Gymnasium №3 Vitebsk, it was them who finally won the GRAND PRIX.
The festival “lit” its new stars. 10-year-old Polina Samodeeva (Rudnia, Russia) in the nomination of “folk song” became the Winner in the age category of 7-11 years. The guests and jury was pleased with rhe members of the vocal ensemble “Kryly” (secondary school No. 13, Orsha), the studio “Trelki”, (secondary school №6, Polotsk), and the soloist Alex Evilenko, from the Vitebsk branch of the Belarusian Railways, Anastasia Mironova and many others.
In the age group 12-16 years the best were the representatives of the pop song studio “Trelki” Lausevic Elizabeth and Miloš Alexandra. They became the owners of the GRAND PRIX of the festival-competition. In the age group of 17-21 years the winners were Tabachnaya Olga, Mogilev (Mogilev state College of arts). The performances of Elizabeth Gusakova and Vladislav Matesha (Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine) – were bright, and the guys became the winners of II and III degrees.
A plenty of awards were granted to the gifted youth wihin the frames of the festival, a pleyiad of new stars was discovered. We congratulate participants with the deserved awards, and wish them good luck and success!
L.A. Mishurnaya,
VSAVM educationist