Meeting of the Council of the Academy Was Held on November 21, 2019
On November 21, 2019 there was held a meeting of the Council of the Academy.
Professor Mikalai Haurychenka, the Rector of the Academy, solemnly presented diplomas for work as a part of the competition Commission at the international scientific conference in St. Petersburg to Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Diagnostics Yuri Kazimirovich Kovaleonok and Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Diagnostics Alexander Bogomoltsev.
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Yatusevich Ivan Antonovich was awarded a diploma for many years of conscientious work in training specialists for the agro-industrial complex.
According to the results of a secret ballot for the position of the Head of the Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology a candidate of biological Sciences, associate Professor Kudryavtseva Elena Nikolaevna, the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages – Kartunova Alla Ilinichna were elected.
It is recommended to apply to the Higher Attestation Committee for the assignment of the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty of “Veterinary” to a candidate of Veterinary Sciences, associate Professor of Pathological Anatomy Lazovskaya Natalia Olegovna.
Kachan Victor Vladimirovich made a report on the work in the area of labor protection, safety and fire safety. The Dean of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine Yevgeny Yushkovsky and Dean of the faculty of Biotechnology Andrey Vishnevets reported on the state of discipline of students.
The Head of the Department of Computer Education Borisevich M. N. reported on the work of the Academy’s website, its place in the world rating systems.
The Chief accountant M. E. Lutsykovich made a report on the financial condition of the Academy with an analysis of the current situation, forecasts and proposals.
A. N. Golub reported on the development of cultural and leisure activities and the work on the involvement of students in Amateur activities at the Academy.
TheVice-rector for Аcademic Affairs Zhurba V. A. presented a report on the employment of graduates of the Academy and their work conditions.
Demidovich A. P. made a report on the results of the work of students’ scientific societies and laboratories.
The scientific Secretary Gorlova O. S. reported on the implementation of the decisions of the Council of the Academy.
By the decision of the Council of the Academy the scientific work of Zhurov Denis Olegovich was unanimously recommended to participate in the open regional competition for the award of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee to young scientists and specialists.