Biotechnological Faculty
Dean of the Biotechnological Faculty
Andrei Vasilievich Vishniavets,
PhD in Agricultural Sciences; Associate Professor.
Tel.: +375 (212) 48-17-45.

The Biotechnological Faculty was established on September 10, 2009 as a result of reorganization of the Zooengineering Faculty, founded on September 1, 1933.
The Faculty trains students for the following specialties:
- 1-74 03 05 “Veterinary pharmacy” – 1-740305 qualifying “Pharmaceutical Chemist in Veterinary Medicine”. Length of studies – 4.5 years;
- 1-74 03 04 “Veterinary sanitation and expertise” – 1-740304 qualifying “Veterinary Sanitation and Expertise Specialist”. Length of studies – 4.5 years;
- 1-74 03 01 “Animal Husbandry” – 1-740301 qualifying “Zooengeneer”. Length of studies – 4.5 years and 2 years 10 months (for graduates of veterinary schools).
Since 2009 the Faculty has been training international students from CIS and foreign countries (Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Lithuania, Lebanon etc.). The specialty of “Veterinary Sanitation and Expertise” has gained the highest priority in the export of educational service, 45-50% first year foreign students being enrolled annually.
Starting from the first year, students acquire research experience participating in students’ scientific societies at the departments of the Faculty. The findings are presented in publications, at students’ scientific conferences, the Republican competitions of students’ scientific works, in diploma papers and master’s theses.
Students can realize their creative potential, participating in amateur art groups and sporting activities.
Post – graduate programs are offered for the degree of Masters of Science (full-time and distant learning); PhD in Science (full-time and distant learning) at profile departments.
Accommodation in students’ hostels in the territory of the campus is available for students.
Structurally the Faculty comprises 10 departments:
- the Department of Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals;
- the Department of Nutrition of Farm Animals;
- the Department of Specialized Animal Husbandry;
- the Department of Production Technology and Mechanization in Animal Husbandry;
- the Department of Feeds Production;
- the Department of Veterinary Sanitation and Expertise;
- the Department of Chemistry;
- the Department of Computer Education;
- the Department of Radiology and Biophysics;
- the Department of Foreign Languages.
Educational process at the faculty is provided by more than 150 lecturers including 10 Doctors of Sciences, more than 50% of the teaching staff are associate professors and PhD.
Over 6000 zooengineers, 112 pharmaceutical chemists in Veterinary Medicine, and 357 Veterinary Sanitation and Expertise specialists have been trained since the foundation of the Faculty.
Dean of the Biotechnological Faculty: Dzmitri FIADOTAU, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, associate Professor, at the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Histology.
Postal address: Biotechnological Faculty, VSAVM, 1-Dovatora street 7/11, Vitebsk 210026, Belarus.
Contact tel.: +375 (212) 48-17-45.