- Факультет повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров
- Faculty of professional development and retraining
Новости ФПК и ПК
Факультет повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров
Мотузко Николай Степанович, доцент (1994), проректор по повышению квалификации и переподготовке кадров (2004).
Факультет повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров создан 20 июня 1966 года на основании правительственного постановления № 162 от 19 апреля 1966 года и приказа Минсельхозпрода БССР № 158 от 24 мая 1966 года.
Факультет повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров с 2004 года возглавляет проректор, доцент кафедры нормальной и патологической физиологии, кандидат биологических наук Николай Степанович Мотузко.
Основной задачей факультета является повышение квалификации и переподготовка руководителей сельскохозяйственных предприятий, специалистов ветеринарного и зооинженерного профилей.
Факультет повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров учреждения образования “Витебская ордена “Знак Почета” государственная академия ветеринарной медицины” проводит:
- -повышение квалификации главных ветврачей (ветврачей) сельскохозяйственных организаций, животноводческих комплексов, птицефабрик, ветврачей-гинекологов, главных зоотехников (зоотехников) сельхозорганизаций, ветврачей районных ветеринарных станций, участковых ветлечебниц, областных и межрайонных ветлабораторий, лабораторий ветеринарно-санитарной экспертизы, городских ветеринарных станций, начальников управлений ветеринарии, ветврачей мясокомбинатов, цехов по мясопереработке и убойных цехов, лаборантов-бактериологов, лаборантов-вирусологов, лаборантов-токсикологов, лаборантов-серологов районных ветеринарных станций и др. (срок обучения – 1 и 2 недели);
- -подготовку специалистов с последующей выдачей свидетельства о присвоении рабочих профессий (срок обучения 3 мес.):
- – лаборант-микробиолог;
- – лаборант химического анализа;
- – лаборант химико-бактериологического анализа;
- – оператор по ветеринарной обработке животных;
- – оператор по искусственному осеменению животных.
- -переподготовку лиц с высшим ветеринарным образованием по 3 специальностям и квалификациям с последующей выдачей диплома государственного образца (срок обучения 18 мес.).
Факультет повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров академии активно проводит работу по оказанию практической помощи сельскохозяйственным организациям Республики Беларусь. Выезжая в районы и области Республики Беларусь, ученые читают лекции, оказывают практическую и консультативную помощь руководителям и специалистам сельскохозяйственных организаций.
График повышения квалификации и переподготовки руководителей и специалистов АПК Республики Беларусь на ФПК и ПК УО «Витебская ордена «Знак Почета» государственная академия ветеринарной медицины» можно скачать в формате PDF
Почтовый адрес: 210026, г Витебск, ул. 1-я Доватора, 7/11, ветакадемия, ФПК и ПК
e-mail: fpk@vsavm.by тел.: (0212) 48-17-33, факс: 48-17-40
The Faculty provides opportunities for top executives, veterinary and agricultural specialists, senior students and teaching staff of educational establishments to continue professional education, to update and improve professional qualification, to switch to newer areas of professional activities.
The Faculty was established on the 20th of June 1966 and possesses a long and exiting history and well established traditions.
Currently the Faculty is headed by Nicholay Stepanovich Motuzko – Vice-Rector, Associate Professor at the Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology, PhD in Biological Sciences. Under his guidance the Faculty keeps its best traditions and makes new progressive improvements in training and upgrading executives, specialists, experts, staff of educational institutions involved into Veterinary Medicine, veterinary surveillance and production of animal products. Four coordinating managers are in full support to meet the needs of students and customers.
Training at the Faculty ranges within 40 various directions. More than 60 000 agricultural executives and experts have updated and improved their professional qualification since the foundation of the Faculty. Annually more than 2000-2300 specialists are admitted for various programs. Full time and distant high quality training based on scientific approach and cutting age technologies is provided.
The Faculty actively provides practical and scientific assistance to agricultural structures of the Republic of Belarus. While traveling to agricultural enterprises across the country the scientists and lecturers of the Academy deliver lectures, provide scientific and consulting support to executives and specialists in agricultural structures of all levels. Currently the same activities are rendered to agricultural industries in Russian Federation.
The Faculty offers quality improvement programs for the teaching staff of the Academy in close cooperation with the best educational establishments, the National Academy of Science of RB, advanced agricultural enterprises and structures. International programs of professional mobility and specialists training in such countries as Russian Federation, Ukraine, Latvia, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, France, Poland, Hungary, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, USA, China and others gain increasing popularity with every coming year.
Currently the Faculty offers programs for professional development as follows:
- Professional updating for industrial veterinary inspectors, veterinary practitions, laboratory veterinarians, veterinary sanitary specialists in various branches of animal health structures and agricultural industries etc.;
- Training of specialist for Artificial Insemination of farm animals;
- Specialists retraining is provided:
- for the specialty 1-74 01 72 “Management of Organizations and Structures in the Agricultural Industrial Complex (AIC)” designed for senior students (on payment basis);
- for personnel with the veterinary higher education degree:
- “Veterinary Pathological Anatomy”;
- “Veterinary Parasitology”;
- “Veterinary Biochemistry”;
- “Veterinary Sanitation and Expertise”;
- “Veterinary Epizootiology”;
- “Veterinary Surgery”;
- “Veterinary Therapy”;
- “Veterinary Pharmacy”.
- Short-termed courses (1-2 weeks) are offered for veterinarians and zoo technicians occupied in agricultural structures, farm animals and poultry enterprises, slaughter houses and food processing plants. Veterinary gynecologists and veterinary practitioners of private and state sectors, veterinary sanitation specialists, veterinary executives, veterinary inspectors are invited as well as, laboratory bacteriologists, virologists, toxicologists, serologists of regional veterinary stations.
- Training of specialists for certified jobs (3 months programme):
- Laboratory microbiologist;
- Laboratory chemical analysis;
- Laboratory chemical-bacteriological analysis;
- Computer dating operator;
- Operator for animal farming complexes and farms;
- Operator for milk storage facilities;
- Operator for machine milking;
- Operator for animal veterinary handling;
- Operator for animal artificial insemination;
- Bee keeper.
- Retraining for the personnel with veterinary high education degree for specialties and qualifications:
- Veterinary Sanitation and Expertise;
- Veterinary Pathological Anatomy;
- Veterinary Surgery.
- Retraining of specialists with veterinary higher education degree for the following specialties:
- Veterinary Sanitation and Expertise (qualification: Veterinary-sanitary specialist);
- Veterinary Pathological Anatomy (qualification: veterinary surgeon-pathological anatomist);
- Veterinary Surgery (qualification: veterinary surgeon);
- Veterinary Pharmacy (qualification: pharmaceutical chemist in Veterinary Medicine);
- Veterinary Biochemistry (qualification : veterinary surgeon-biochemist);
- Veterinary Epizootiology (qualification: veterinary surgeon-epizootiologist);
- Veterinary Parasitology (qualification: veterinary parasitologist);
- Veterinary Therapy (qualification: veterinary therapeutist);
Term of training – 1 year, 6 months, the State diploma to be issued.
Extramural studies. Term of studies – 18 months; on payment basis; hostel accommodation is provided upon request; the State Diploma to be issued upon completion of the course.
For more details, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Tel.: +375 212 48-17-33
Fax: +375 212 48-17-40
E-mail: fpk@vsavm.by
Postal address: FPK and PK
Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine
1 Dovatora str. 7/11
Vitebsk, 210026