Коллектив кафедры микробиологии и вирусологии (2022 г.)
1-й ряд (сидят слева направо): ассистент Е.Р. Дятлова; доцент О.С. Мехова; зав. кафедрой, профессор И.А. Красочко; доцент Ю. А. Столярова; лаборант А.К. Глод
2-й ряд (стоят слева направо): ст. преподаватель А.Г. Кошнеров; доцент Е.А. Кирпанёва; лаборант Н.В. Ефименко; доцент С.В. Даровских; ст. преподаватель О.Ю. Зыбина; ассистент А.А. Карташова; ассистент Ю.О. Асташёнок; ассистент И.Ю. Воробьёва; лаборант Е.А. Капранова; доцент Р.Б. Корочкин
The Department of Microbiology and Virology is a team of 15 nationally recognized faculty members, including 1 full professor, 5 associate professors, 2 senior tutors, 4 assistants, 3 people of support staff and more than 300 trainees, committed to carry out excellent training, research and service in the areas of Infection and Immunity. Our teaching covers from undergraduate to post-graduate education using modern approaches and cutting edges technologies.
Our educational techniques and research are at the forefront of modern veterinary science answering critical questions concerning animal health and welfare such as how to control and prevent infectious diseases and promote healthy immunity.
Members of the department are nationally and internationally engaged in veterinary education and research. We ensure that the results of our teaching and research well help promote animal health and well-being as well as we also provide assistance to the national agricultural sector.
Students involved in the department’s educational programs gain full knowledge in microbiology, virology, clinical immunology and mycology giving them an expanding scope of infectious pathology.
The head of the department, Doctor of veterinary science professor Krasochko Irina Alexanlrovna is an internationally recognized scientist and educational leader conducting the department’s research and training process. The mutual work and collaboration with other educational facilities have enabled us to publish 19 books, obtain 45 patents and develop some 50 regulations.